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Rubles Richer After Tariffs

February 23, 2022

Ukraine suddenly knows where President Biden stands. Our embassy was closed and moved to Poland. We wish them best of luck in resisting invasion, but so long. Russia knows what they see.

The painful sanctions for Russia from USA will not affect them for several years. The gold held by USSR and the Euro currency held by Russia are enough for 2 years. Russia now gets more income by rising oil prices since President Biden choked USA drilling. The oil exports by Russia brings more money than last year. In 2 years, Ukraine will be absorbed by the Russia Bear. United Nations meetings will go on for decades about this loss of sovereignty.

Vladimir Putin knows his budget for conquest is covered already. How about USA? We do not have a budget for 2022! How do we know we can afford what Biden is promising and spending now? There is no excuse that replaces a real budget now. Am I concerned about USA spending? I remember the glory days of Jimmy Carter when USA was floundering in debt and no energy options for heat or transportation.

Obama can become caretaker of the Carter Museum of failed presidents.
Biden knows his time is running out soon.

Our best days are ahead, but only after 46 is finished. The world already knows that our president remains confused by world problems. China is eager to block passage in and out from their sea ports. USA normal response is in our past. Budget of China is in worse shape than USA. They have seen how Putin worked around this problem.

Right now, I am investing in real USA companies with tangible services and resources. The market drops are not the true value of good companies. I don’t care what the Crypto Currency price is in dollars. We need to focus on reality instead of propaganda news. Ukraine should not be invaded, but their control by Russia was funded by USA sanctions. Oil does have intrinsic cash value. USA is choking and tearing up pipelines for oil distribution. How can we save the world if we go broke? Carter left as a bad memory. Biden cannot be a bad memory soon enough.

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