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Presidents Nobody Remembers

February 20, 2022

Do not feel guilty or stupid if you do not remember many of USA presidents. In my lifetime, there are presidents I wish I could forget! The series of dollar coins help us remember. My personal hero is President Eisenhower who recognized danger from the perspective of the general who saved the world from Hitler domination. Many plotted to kill him during the war, but he did his work as the leader of a global war effort to defeat Nazi domination.

President Millard Fillmore was the last Whig Party office holder. At the end of his term, that party just disintegrated. I see similar signs of a confused political party with the present day Democrat Party. It is the distinction and rare honor of President Joe Biden to carry this moment in history because he will be the last Democrat president ever. The new party loves looting mobs, torch burning of towns and communist manifesto speeches. (Is this becoming the Idi Amin Party?)

President Fillmore was not promising to “restore the soul of America” as a slogan. The most important improvement was Millard Fillmore bringing plumbing up to date with the first bath tub in the White House.

Hobo Duke is proud to have the autographed photo of USA 46th President Joe Biden. My sense of dread is growing with dangers now obscuring the horizon we had with 45th President Donald Trump. Everything done by President Trump was criminal and chosen by Putin as reported by USA Propaganda News over 4 years of inquisition and rumor mongering.

Of course, now the criminal acts by conspirators to falsely accuse President Donald Trump with fake evidence are best forgotten. What good is it now, to accuse, try and convict so many beloved essential traitors from the Democrat Party? I can predict and assure you all of my prophecy in this Year of the Tiger 2022; President 46 will be the final Democrat president. You don’t have to believe my vision. It makes me happier just to say this out loud.

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