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Putin Laughs at Biden

March 12, 2022

There is a sublime irony in the obvious lies, falsehoods and brutal attacks inside Ukraine. Putin is laughing at the whole reliance of Biden on feeble tariffs and empty speeches. Unfortunately, the killing and conquest will continue with more artillery shells and rockets. Our allies see the Kabuki Theater of President Biden lacks a happy ending. The negotiations are silly because Putin adds propaganda accusations while killing and destroying more every day in Ukraine territory. USA watches in disbelief our feeble leader taking the horse dung of Vladimir Putin as he laughs at the meaningless peace talks.

Students in the USA have never been educated on the era of Nikita Kruschev. President John F. Kennedy almost blinked to pretend nuclear missiles arriving in Cuba were for peace. JFK did cut off Cuba (after stocking up his supply of cigars first). JFK did leave men behind in the stupid plan to overthrow Castro by insurrection at Bay of Pigs. JFK even tried mob assassins to kill Castro but no results. JFK did not waste time in negotiating. Russia got an ultimatum from JFK to pull out the missiles. The threat was war and no concessions were offered. Cities and millions could have died.

Putin is more of a weasel than a warrior. Kruschev would yell at the United Nations; “We will bury you!” Putin keeps protesting his concerns on Ukraine germ warfare and nuclear dangers. He is laughing while tossing around silly complaints while his crushing invasion chews up more territory in Ukraine. Biden is bragging about his crushing sanctions.

Russia exports 30% of the wheat used to feed people. Our agriculture industry is not scaled to replace 30% of the wheat used this year. As a matter of fact, the inflation created by Biden makes it harder for USA farmers to stay in business. A starving world will not wait for Biden sanctions as people die of malnutrition.

Comrade we beat USA!

Putin smirks. Kruschev smiled and hugged, while people were tortured and killed.

Our worst days are ahead. USA is still the hope and beacon for the free world. We have to survive until a new president is elected. Jimmy Carter was inept, but honest and did not have a nest of criminals in his history. Jimmy Carter was better than Joe Biden is now.

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