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Mr. Pelosi attacked by trick or treater with hammer.

October 30, 2022

Halloween is always a very stressful national test of our citizens. What is an appropriate treat? What costume is acceptable? Should masks be allowed? In San Francisco we learned of a home invasion by a man in his underwear with a hammer. David Depape was in his underwear visiting his friend, Paul Pelosi after midnight. It did seem odd to visit with a hammer and in his underwear with another man. However, this is San Francisco.

This would have been a great story for Truman Capote to unravel. Paul was terrified he was to be killed so he called the San Francisco police from his bathroom. This is not an unusual situation for police. Many questions were never asked by our Propaganda News ace reporters. “Why let a guy in his underwear visit with a stranger in your home after midnight?” (If a man wants you to let him into your home after midnight wearing underwear, than just say NO!)

Our Propaganda News NBC & ABC simply categorized this incident as rampant Donald Trump terrorism that must add more police protection for every elected official. Nobody bothered raising any basic question. Why was he in his underwear visiting after midnight? Were they drunk, doped up, or just crazy? Halloween is Blame Trump now!

It seems Paul Pelosi sensed he was in danger, so he called police from his bathroom. This is very normal in San Francisco. What was unusual was that a man with a hammer wanted Nancy Pelosi instead of Paul. For some reason he did crack Paul’s skull with his hammer. David Depape was the hammer visitor that Paul knew. None of this was mentioned by our crack Propaganda News NBC & ABC because it would have required getting basic facts like the police report. It is more important to create a ominous conspiracy by Donald Trump to let loose men in underwear with hammers to attack Democrats after midnight. This is all too common now?

Social Security kicks your bucket out from under you! Happy Halloween!

Wellness check is in order to assess if Paul Pelosi has dementia issues. Recently he was arrested driving erratically after midnight with a young lady. Now he has been attacked by a guy in his underwear with a hammer in his home. Does this sound like any of your neighbors? More of a concern is commercial news getting everyone worried about a national threat to every community by men in their underwear with hammers attacking randomly at the order of Donald Trump. Only Propaganda News thinks a complete idiot believes whopper of a story based on no facts. Are there any sane people left on commercial news on television?

Enjoy Halloween! Ignore the complete idiots wasting our time on inventing more Donald Trump threats to America

Halloween is a time of old ghost stories, and children ignoring old people telling them “NO!”

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