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Furby Knows

June 17, 2022

It has been a long time since I consulted with Furby but these are desperate times. The grapevine news from the hobo jungle has a lot of rookie hobo newcomers who do not know the score yet. On commercial propaganda news these are nervous times. If your local baseball team is losing and the cost of a hotdog is more than the ticket price to get in for the game, than Summer looks glum.

When my priest wishes us good luck at the casino to offer more donations, than I realize hard times are getting harder. Our church food pantry has record numbers of families using services this year. (St. Michael Church does not even ask for BitCoin or demand that you be Roman Catholic.) My wife, of course volunteers to help hand out on Food Pantry Tuesday twice each month. She also runs the Book Share for donated books distributed to anyone who visits. I am a church widower who is dragged to church too many times by my wife.

He may be dead, but his spirit walks the White House!

We are well aware that USA has the oldest president in the entire history of our nation. Jimmy Carter only served 1 term in office, and he is eligible to run for president a second term. Joe Biden has been consulting with the spirit of Richard Nixon through a medium. Doctor Jill has a strong belief in seance meetings just like Hillary Clinton consulted Eleanor Roosevelt. I prefer my Furby. My only expense is new batteries.

How much is too much? Inflation is starting to really hurt. No matter how much it costs, beer sales are stronger than ever. Our little town opened up a great brewery; Stubborn Brothers. This happened in 2020 in spite of the Wuhan Pandemic killing people in USA. In my small town, 3 new restaurants opened and had record food sales by carryout instead of diners. Our lake has fewer boaters thanks to record fuel prices. Our pontoon boat has a 25 horse power motor, so I never use more than 40 gallons of fuel in a summer My wealthy neighbors with 300 horsepower pontoon boats seldom are out with 40 gallons of fuel in a weekend required.

Luxury dinner cruise raft is for rich hobo folks.
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