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Because I said so!

January 4, 2022

When politicians have outlived most of the population in USA, then it makes me doubt our sanity. Temper tantrums and yelling in House of Representatives and Senate are symptoms of senility. Voters are not supposed to pay attention to government waste of our tax dollars. They are holding hearings and yelling at managers of government services we do not even know exist. This is OUR FAULT?

We are seen as amateurs in running the USA. Our taxes have been wasted but can not blame our elected Representatives and Senators. It is a poor job of acting, but self-righteous indignation by Speaker Nancy Pelosi against the other political party is the reason she fails to submit a budget for 2022. How can we expect anything while there is the right to speak for the voters?

As children must be told so often, this is “Because I said so!”

I have seen this act too often in my many years of paying more taxes every year. (If I had a penny for every time a Democrat cried, then I would have a basement full of wet pennies.)

This is a new year in our almost new millennium. I have lost patience with the same old nonsense.

Can we please carbon date Nancy Pelosi to confirm if she exceeds the legal age limit for office?

None of my ideas make sense, but my best is Build Back BS!
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