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Gravity and Magnets Never Give Up

December 9, 2021

Keeping your eyes open does not always reveal the forces all around us. Gravity brings down avalanches. Gravity keeps us on earth. Politicians defy gravity by building towers of debt that are too top heavy. We are lucky that words have zero weight. If every speech carried real weight, earth could not support all that weight. A word of caution. Words can kill you. Imagine the millions of tons stacked in annual government budget ledgers and massive new legislation still being invented for trillions of dollars to be spent in Build Back BS.

How do we explain magnets? They are real and I always enjoyed tinkering with “Slot cars” by modifying the electric motors by rewinding new copper wires of heavier gauge. Electricity is visible when a power line gets knocked down in a violent thunderstorm. The power of magnets is the secret behind electric automobiles of real world size. My 1/24 scale slot cars are large. I never even dreamed of driving a real car powered by electric motors. Our future is being built by magnets.

Everyone feels both of these forces every day. I laugh at politicians who build up speeches higher than a mountain built only on words that fall to the ground without any imprint. because they have no weight. There is no magnetism at all in a speech over an hour long. I feel attracted to leaders of few words, like Calvin Coolidge.

We need to weigh our words. Nobody can carry tons of words around. Magnets attract opposites. I certainly can testify that I am happy that I met my wife by purely magnetic attraction! I thank God for the universe we float around on earth.

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