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You Might Be Impeached!

March 4, 2019

Just in case a law might have been violated, Representative Jerrold Nadler is on a quest to question everything and anything Donald J. Trump has ever done.  It appears that his district does not need anything done for assisting them.  His mission is to find a crime.  He does not have anything specific to arouse his suspicion.  But he knows that he does not need evidence of anything to occupy his time, and spend our tax money just snooping around to find a crime.

jerrold-nadler fat rep

He does not claim any specific reason to expect cause to impeach our 45th president.  He does enjoy the publicity and notoriety of his quest.  We look forward to many suspicions and speculations to be shared with Propaganda News eager to confuse and irritate us common folk with nothing.  How about balancing our budget and hunting down fraud?  That might take too much work!

The witch hunt began with Queen Hillary buying a propaganda investigation from whores in Russia to claim candidate Trump hired them in Moscow.  This began the bizarre rumors that candidate Trump relied upon assistance from Russia to win office.  During this lapse in common sense, nobody asked how and why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved a multi million dollar sale of USA Uranium directly to a company in Russia.  Hillary did instruct staff to destroy computers and of course, smash all cell telephones with sledge hammers.  That is normal security protocol.

Representative does not find anything unusual in the sale of uranium to Russia approved by Hillary Clinton.  However, he is looking for anything done by Donald J Trump that can be a crime.  This guy is a fathead and a publicity hound getting attention by rumors about Donald J Trump he can keep dreaming up.

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