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Tourist Voters Invited 2024

May 20, 2024

Voting is the right of tax paying residents and citizens. Nobody has the exact number of Open Border Wetbacks. Conservative estimate has President Biden addition of 10 million open border invaders.

Washington DC will allow anybody here 30 days to cast a vote for 2024 election. Welcome to taxpayers being bossed by tourist voters! Comrade Sanders owns our White House policies for his revolution to destroy capitalism by stealing wealth earned by hard work. Can we get a few more millions of tourists in time to vote for 2024? Why is it vital that USA must keep Biden as our president? Ballots must be in a dozen languages now to include our latest tourist voters.

We the people do not want illegal aliens!

Taxpayers are being robbed by Federal Debt exploding to pay for illegal aliens. Nobody wants to explain why my tax money belongs to illegal aliens.

Do we need more illegal smuggled dope sold by China through Mexico to kill our children in USA? Even our propaganda news on television refuse to discuss the murder of our children and grandchildren by drug dealers by our grade schools.

Some Democrats want more taxpayers and are eager to treat illegal aliens be accepted as a great solution. This problem is not a joke and cannot be shelved until after the election. Candidates for President of USA in 2024 need to explain a solution before we vote.

Hijacked public transportation to crash across USA border.
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