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Hobo Soap Box

August 10, 2022

Life in the hobo jungles around our beloved USA are growing. We even see million-dollar RV campers arriving to immerse themselves in hobo living. Uncle Stosh is negotiating with Hunter Biden to open up a Hobo Jungle Delaware site as a tourist attraction. I would not suggest anybody can safely RV at Trump campsite Mira Lago with all the FBI, IRS and Democrats showing up at 4:00 AM with sirens, floodlights and guns on any day of the week.

Nobody is evicted from any Hobo Jungle site, until the squad cars arrive. In California, every street has Bum Tents on sidewalks. No cops are allowed to evict bums in California.

This year seems to feel different. There is more tension and less money at political fund raisers for multi-million-dollar campaign fund raisers. Even communist Comrade Sanders cannot get enough rubles to get new Stalin posters at his campaign speeches.

People’s revolution idolized madman killer of millions!

Las Vegas has record business right now in this year. People know that nothing is getting better, and their money is worth less every day. Buying Hunter Biden original art is too expensive as an investment (Biden list of buyers are favored in business with USA government). Vacations to Europe are too expensive with no air conditioning or ice. Millions of dollars are wasted in fancy restaurants, nightclub acts, and wagering on casino games and sports betting. Spend it before 46 does! We know our chances are better at a casino than anything in Washington DC.

You may be wrong, but we defend your right to win or lose on your own. Also, there is less stuff stolen in any hobo jungle because most smart people wear a money belt. If you cannot carry your own weight, then lose some fat.

I never realized how holy and charitable our politicians become during election year. They even show up to talk to a few of their voters. The campaign radio and television ads are soap opera stories with happy endings. Children must write those ads.

In my current home state of Wisconsin, that billionaire bad guy Donald Trump had supported the Republican party candidate for governor that won the primary. The Rockefeller Republicans of the last century are lost now in Madison. Expect more fireworks as propaganda press keep the impeach Trump propaganda alive as a topic. Wisconsin will host the Republican National Convention for 2024. It is fitting since the party originated in the state of Wisconsin. Beer, cheese, bratwurst and lush green rolling country are waiting for our visitors. Polka music is infectious.

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