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Celebrate July 4, 2022 USA

July 3, 2022
President Biden learned everything from President Obama.

Our economy has measurements that mirror bad times from 1970. Our current president has worked under the greatest Democrat President Obama. My journey through decade of 1970 was highlighted by my vacation in Boston to celebrate 1776 bicentennial in 1976. I wasn’t rich, but I did have lobster for dinner 2 nights in a row! To save money, I drove from Chicago the round trip. (Tip for free; DO NOT DRIVE IN BOSTON! They are worse drivers than Chicago!}

This July 4 holiday is a time of anxiety across our country. We all have good reason to be wary. It is impossible to know our future if our government does not have a budget for 2022. We are shipping billions of dollars in military weapons to Ukraine. We are adding our military to Poland just in case. This is all because we ignored Putin invasion. To be fair, Obama ignored Putin invasion while he was president.

Odd method of speaking by President 46 is to whisper into microphone.

Our retirement home on a lake in the north woods of Wisconsin is paid off. Our neighbors are mostly vacation homeowners who work and live at another place. We have prospered because the lure of vacation on a lake remains a priority for many families for their children. But I see the adjustments needed today. Gasoline price cuts down on speed boat time burning up fuel on the water. Believe it or not, fireworks from China inflation are 25% or more. Our dog is happy that shooting firecrackers and rockets are much reduced around lake. People are happy, but tense waiting for their credit card statement to pay for this holiday.

My suggestion is to keep more cash in a safe at home. I adjusted all of our investments last year by selling all bonds and putting that money into managed high interest rate lower credit rated bank loans. I sold majority of growth focused mutual funds and invested into utility stock fund, manufacturing company fund & foreign high dividend stock mutual fund. I also put $25,000 into credit union to pay for our 2022 new car for $45,000 in January. We financed the balance at 2.5% loan from our credit union.

Politicians love to talk. Few deliver on anything they talk about. Today, everybody knows we got an empty suit in White House now.

For now, we are free because we are smarter than our government. I wish we had a Ronald Reagan to run in 2024. God bless America!

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