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TITANIC Federal Government

September 17, 2021

Skipper Joe Biden is at the helm. Our politicians in control are too busy dreaming up new fantastic federal programs. The existing federal programs that they are responsible to run are mismanaged. But everything will be better with 5 trillion dollars of new programs because we will suck money from evil greedy capitalists who succeed. Better to subsidize and encourage failed federal programs that remain a mystery to majority of tax payers?

Skipper Joe and “give me the football” Nancy Pelosi are too busy to do their work. They are focused on the fantasy realm of promising more Federal services. Somebody please explain to us dumb tax payers why the great majority of existing federal programs are slow, backwards and using technology from the last millennium! Why do our elected Representatives refuse to pass a budget that is overdue and will expire at the end of September?

The icebergs of debt are floating beneath the surface with only the tippy tops floating above water. Skipper Joe wants more steam now damn it! Full speed ahead through the DEBT ICEBRGS is the command from skipper Joe Biden.

As captain of USA TITANIC his duty is to dine and entertain the wealthy elite who pay premium dollars for the honor of telling our skipper what to do. Skipper Joe declares he hates the rich and wants to tax them more and more. But who pays for the lobbyists that write the Executive Orders signed by Skipper Joe? Could it be the the wealthy are laughing at the political propaganda by TAX THE RICH Skipper Joe? The rich and powerful get a free pass on Facebook fact checkers. The rich and powerful get an audience with the elite politicians who control our federal government.

Titanic movie made a lot of money with people interested in seeing a ship sink.

It is time for all of us tax paying passengers to ignore the happy talk from all politicians. Ice bergs are dead ahead in the dark of night as our runaway federal budget demands spending will grow faster. Pour on more coals to the fire. Climate change will accelerate by heaping on more debt to the workers paying taxes. When politicians declare; “Tax the rich!”; they really don’t care if we all get to pay more in taxes.

One more tax won’t sink our ship
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