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North Woods Nature Alert

March 2, 2021

Still miss my beloved Treeing Walker Coonhound who is asleep in the hillside facing our lake. She was very much a Alpha Dog! Yesterday while driving along the Wolf River flowing through the north woods of Wisconsin, I smelled the unique scent left by skunks. Millie had such a powerful sense of smell, she knew the presence of a skunk from 100 yards away. Her baying exceeded safety levels of noise. The windows in our house vibrated and rattled from the force of her warning alert. The skunks 100 yards away would spray because of her powerful alert volume.

My warning alert is about our Senators and Representatives who are plotting some crazy tax schemes for their spending trillions of dollars we do not have. USA will print these dollars anyway . Anyone who has over one billion dollars in property, investments and cash will pay a new tax of 3% on top of normal income taxes. Our tax structure is already confusing and complex for every citizen filing annual income tax government forms. For the wealthy just under 1 billion dollars will get to pay an additional 2% new tax on everything they own.

This might seem to insult the intelligence of our brilliant Senators and Representative but this is their at home tax assignment; What is 3 X 50? What is 2 x 50? So 150% of a billionaire’s total net value means their billions are gone in a lifetime. So 100% means an almost billionaire will never become a billionaire after every last nickel goes to the tax man in 50 years. Who will be left to pay for the insane spending of trillions approved by Senators and Representatives who failed basic math calculations?

The poor slobs who work for a living will need to pay trillions of dollars of government debts. At least we won’t have to worry about billionaires and millionaires being rich anymore. We all will be poor, FOREVER!

I refuse to quietly follow the morons in Washington DC, who have never done anything except live off our tax money.

Millie “Treeing Walker Coonhound” photo on the day before Benghazi 4 were killed thanks to Obama, Biden & Hillary Clinton.
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