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Did You Submit Taxes for 2020?

February 28, 2021

Citizens of China and Russia have no say in how their taxes get taken from their annual earnings. Our President 46 is Joseph Biden. I do not anticipate getting any information on his budget more detailed than stupid slogans. Build Back Better

I just had my 2020 tax forms filed electronically by my accounting service. The previous year, I had the pleasure of owing over twelve thousand dollars and not because of any massive “wind fall fortune”. The Obama Care accounting rules are very expensive for recipients getting it “free”. This year it took discipline to go through the year while using less money than the previous year. I do not owe any tax money from 2020! I even got a little refund to spend.

Our House of Representatives are compelled to increase spending every year. Every new fee or tax is labeled an “investment” by the devious devils in Washington DC. Their “investments” always reduce my bank account!

I was happy to learn that President Biden demands our home will be taxed for capital gains for my children when they inherit our estate after we are gone. Any increase in value from our investments will be taxed for the capital gains even though we are holding them just for dividend income that is taxed. So the appreciation in “market value” will be taxed. No mention of getting a tax deduction when the investment loses market value is even considered. One More Tax in our transition to Socialism is our compelled investment necessary to make politicians happy.

Bandits with masks to protect themselves!

Our government will spend $1,900,000.000 of our tax dollars that have yet to be collected over 2 lifetimes. Plus, we don’t know the new spending for the slogan Build Back Better projects because so far we got propaganda but no facts. Our national networks of commercial television are happy to walk around pretending to report what is actually happening. We are on our own with Propaganda News reporting on what they are told to report.

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