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Happy New Year of Metal Ox

February 12, 2021

The Rat is finally gone after ruining 2020 around the world. Welcome to 2021 Year of Metal Ox!

The last traces of the Wuhan Pandemic are killing too many people in this year. However, we have vaccines to protect and prevent deaths from growing in our USA. I give thanks that President Trump took early steps to reduce the spread of this killer across our country. I also give thanks that I do not live in the state of New York, nor have to travel to New York City any more since retirement.

The PROPAGANDA NEWS has blacked out and ignored this Chinese new year because they ignored the threat our president saw back in 2020. We are truly on our own to find the truth on our own, because commercial news only sells advertising and panic. They love to show massive car wrecks on ice covered highways too.

I am celebrating 2021 Year of Metal Ox! Our millions of citizens with Chinese ancestry suffered just the same as everyone. Superstition or custom dictates fish today as a meal for good luck for this year. We will enjoy cod, because we always enjoy cod every month of every year. But tonight I will pay homage to my family surviving one Covid 19 infection last year by eating cod tonight for dinner. I say good riddance to 2020 Year of Metal Rat. (I also am grateful for my Moderna vaccine this week!)

I do not rely upon news for the truth anymore, because they choose profits over facts.

Today I really feel optimistic that the truth will set us free. Even an ox can knock down the barricades of Propaganda News. Do not harass or attack our Chinese citizens in revenge for the failings of politicians who ignored the threat of Wuhan Pandemic. Special shout out to Governor Cuomo of New York who sent infected seniors back into nursing homes to kill more by infection. The federal hospital ship sitting in New York harbor was never used for caring for seniors sent back to infected nursing homes who died. God knows how to even the score without propaganda or news black outs on this mass murder.

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